5 Ways to Change Up Your Work Environment for Improved Productivity

In order to be productive, you need to find an environment that works for you. Some people work best in a quiet and isolated setting, while others need some background noise or activity to stay focused. And then there are the people who need to change up their surroundings frequently in order to stay productive. If you fall into the last category, here are five ways you can change up your work environment to improve your productivity.

1. Change locations

If you work from home, try working in a different room or even going to a coffee shop or coworking space for a change of scenery. If you normally work in an office, try working from a nearby park or library. Sometimes all you need is a change of location to jumpstart your creative thinking.

2. Change up your routine

If you find yourself getting stuck in a rut, try shaking up your daily routine. This can be as simple as taking a different route to work or working at different times of the day. By changing up your routine, you can break out of the monotony of the daily grind.

3. Change your tools

If you’re stuck using the same old tools, try switching to something new. This could be a new software program or a different way of taking notes. Changing your tools might just be enough of a refresher if you keep the same approach to work.

4. Change your environment

If your work environment is cluttered and unorganized, try changing it up. This could mean decluttering your workspace or rearranging your furniture. By changing your environment, you can change the way you feel about work.

5. Change your mindset

If you find yourself feeling stressed or overwhelmed, try changing your mindset. Although this seems like it's easier said than done, this could be as simple as taking a break from work or setting realistic goals rather than stretching yourself too far. You can alter the way you do business and increase your productivity by altering your attitude.


All of us need a change of scenery every once in a while, and for those of us who need to constantly switch things up, it's important to have different ways to shake up our work routine. By changing your environment, tools, or routine you can open yourself up to new possibilities and increase your productivity. Just be sure not to get stuck in the same old rut.