How to Make People Want to Read Your Emails

In email, as in life, first impressions matter. You can get people to pay attention to your email content by using the storytelling technique of "IRS."

The key to using the IRS storytelling technique in email is to keep your audience in mind at all times. Write with the goal of captivating your reader from the very beginning.

IRS stands for...

Intriguing beginning

An intriguing beginning is a great way to hook your reader's attention and make them want to keep reading. It can be as simple as a rhetorical question, a shocking statement, or a provocative story. Whatever you choose, make sure it's relevant to your email and grabs your reader's attention.

Riveting middle

A riveting middle is the heart of your email message. It's where you explain your point, make your case, and persuade your reader to take action. To keep your reader engaged, make sure your middle section is well-written and logically organized.

Satisfying ending

A satisfying ending is the perfect way to leave your reader feeling motivated and inspired. It can be a call to action, a declaration of victory, or simply a positive message that leaves the reader feeling good. Whatever you choose, make sure it's relevant to your email and wraps up your message in a satisfying way.

By following these three steps, you can create email content that is compelling and engaging. If you can master the art of storytelling in email, you'll be able to create content that people will want to read from beginning to end. So go ahead and give it a try!