Why “Flexible Workspace” Is the Future for Remote Working

If you've been working from home for a while, you might be starting to feel the itch to get out of the house and work somewhere else. And there's a good reason for that – research has shown that working from home all the time can actually be quite detrimental to your productivity.

One of the biggest drawbacks of working from home is that it can be quite isolating. Even if you live with other people, it's not the same as interacting with colleagues in person. This isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness and anxiety, which can in turn impact your productivity.

Spending all day in the same place can also be quite draining. Working from a coffee shop or library for a change of scenery can help break up the monotony, but it's not always possible to find a quiet spot to work.

There's also the issue of distractions at home. It can be hard to stay focused when there are dishes to be done or laundry to be folded. And let's not even get started on trying to concentrate with kids or pets running around!

So what's the solution? For many people, the answer is flexible workspace.

Flexible workspace is exactly what it sounds like – it's a place where you can come and go as you please, without having to commit to a long-term lease.

There are now coworking spaces popping up all over the world, which provide access to meeting rooms, private offices, and other amenities.

There are many benefits of using flexible workspace, but one of the biggest is that it can save you money. If you're only using the space occasionally, you don't have to pay for a full-time membership. And if you need to use the space for a specific project, you can book it for just the amount of hours you need.

Flexible workspace is also more convenient than working from home as you can book a meeting room for client calls or presentations, and there's no need to worry about finding a quiet spot to concentrate.

And if you're worried about feeling isolated, flexible workspace can actually help you meet new people and make connections. Many coworking spaces host events and networking opportunities, so you can socialise with other members.

If you're looking for a more productive, cost-effective, and convenient way to work, Workly could be the answer you're looking for.